Think twice about sharing a toothbrush with someone.

Liken a toothbrush to a kitchen mop. After using either there are hoards of bacteria, grime, residue, and rotting debris remaining on both. When two people play tonsil hockey they are sharing saliva but when 1 in 4 people confess to using their spouse’s toothbrush that same grime left from their mop now enters the other's mouth.
What is on the Toothbrush Bristles?

Used toothbrushes contain about 1.2 million bacteria with 70% of brushes having pathogenic bacteria. Brushes also contain viruses like herpes, blood-borne pathogens, food particles, plaque, and fecal material from toilets.
Bacteria In Your Mouth
The number of bacteria in your mouth is equivalent to the number of people living in the world today with 700 different good and bad bacterial specie types. This bacterial batch is specific to you and your body knows how to balance all this good and bad bacteria. When you introduce foreign bacteria from another’s toothbrush this throws off your bacterial equilibrium. Over time this can lead to periodontal disease, cavity formation, hairy tongue, and tonsil stones among other challenges.
Tips to Reduce Bacteria From Your Brush

Use an antibacterial rinse (like TheraBreath) prior to brushing. This minimizes the bacterial count that would collect on your brush.
After using the toilet, close the lid prior to flushing especially if the toothbrush is stored 6ft from the toilet, AND you must wash your hands regardless.
Don’t share toothpaste especially if another may be sick.
Store your brush upright, exposed, and NOT touching another toothbrush. Never leave it wet if stored in a container.
Get regular cleanings from your dental office.
Change your toothbrush every 3 months, when the bristles are frayed, or after a sickness.
Your immune system is usually strong enough that if you were to use your loved one’s toothbrush once that would not be a big deal; however, if this is a more common occurrence be prepared for an increased dental bill. Don’t use someone else’s mop!
